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Shri Ramesh Kumar Saraogi

Chairperson, Board of Governors, NIT Sikkim.

Director, Saraogi Udyog Private Limited (SUPL), Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Chairperson's Message :

Educationists should build capacities of inquiry, creativity and Entrepreneurial and moral Leadership among the students and become their role model.
~ APJ Abdul Kalam

At the outset, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Ministry of Education for giving me the privilege of being a part of the Institute's decision-making body. I am aware that since its establishment, the Institute has been operating from a temporary campus, and it is with great satisfaction that I acknowledge the remarkable achievements it has made under such challenging circumstances. I am happy to learn that over the years, the Institute has excelled in the realms of research, academics, and placement, serving as a shining example of perseverance and dedication. This remarkable progress is a testament to the unwavering commitment and hard work of our Director, esteemed faculty and staff members who have consistently strived for excellence, even in the face of limited resources and extreme climatic conditions.

I am delighted to know that NIT Sikkim is wholeheartedly committed to the comprehensive realization of the objectives outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Currently, various committees comprised of dedicated faculty and staff members are diligently working on formulating action points and roadmaps to ensure the smooth implementation of this transformative policy. In line with our commitment to NEP-2020, the Institute has embarked on the establishment of a 'Centre of Excellence.' This centre will play a pivotal role in nurturing innovative research activities across emerging multidisciplinary fields, with a strong focus on societal and environmental impact. These areas encompass crucial domains such as artificial intelligence (AI), healthcare, environmental sciences, energy, and more. Furthermore, NIT Sikkim is actively advancing the implementation of key academic reforms advocated by NEP-2020. These reforms encompass 'Multiple Entry-Exit' options for students, the creation of an 'Academic Bank of Credit' system, fostering internationalization efforts, and promoting Indian art and culture. These initiatives underscore our dedication to providing a holistic and transformative educational experience aligned with the evolving needs of our students and the nation.

The Institute's impressive performance across numerous research indicators attests to our consistent and commendable research track record over the years. The faculty members, researchers and students at this institute have consistently demonstrated their commitment to research excellence. I am extremely happy to learn that several research projects, funded by prestigious agencies such as DST, ICSSR, MEITY, among others, have been granted to esteemed faculty members spanning all departments within the Institute. Moreover, it’s a pleasure to learn that NIT Sikkim has actively forged collaborations in academia and research by signing various Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with institutes across India. These partnerships span a wide array of fields and are in complete alignment with the objectives set forth in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. These collaborations signify our dedication to fostering academic and research cooperation to drive innovation and knowledge dissemination.

Scholastic regulations and guidelines, as well as other administrative processes relating to education, are rigorously reviewed, and amended. This is created and upgraded by close cooperation with every member throughout several meetings that are overseen and guided by specialists, followed by discussion and approval of the appropriate forum. Additionally, I am eager to contribute my experiences from the industrial sector to benefit our students and the Institute as a whole. Sharing insights from the real-world professional landscape can be invaluable for our students' future growth and success. I look forward to actively participating in this endeavour to enhance our students' preparedness for the professional world.

It is heartening to note that the Institute remains steadfast in its commitment to nurturing the career prospects of our students. The dedicated Training and Placement Cell continually formulates and implements robust strategies to ensure the success of placement drives. Their tireless efforts leave no avenue unexplored in securing a multitude of job offers for our students. This tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to the students' growth and development is truly commendable. It exemplifies the art of perseverance and underscores our relentless pursuit of providing the best possible opportunities for our students as they step into their future careers.

The Institute is in the process of constructing a strong foundation, and I hold the utmost confidence that, under the dynamic leadership of the Director and with the enthusiastic involvement of all stakeholders, the institute will soar to unprecedented heights in the coming years. While there is still work ahead of us to solidify NIT Sikkim's standing as a premier institution of learning and to create a nurturing environment for the nation's aspiring students and academics, I am convinced that we will successfully meet our responsibilities in this regard. Together, we will continue to make significant strides towards excellence and innovation in education.

I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Board of Governors for their unwavering support, valuable guidance, and insightful ideas. I extend my sincere congratulations to the Director, faculty members, staff, beloved students and who have invested their relentless efforts in shaping NIT Sikkim into a distinguished hub of academic and scientific excellence.

As we stand on the cusp of a promising future, I send my best wishes to all for the journey ahead. May your endeavours lead you to new pinnacles of success and illuminate the path to a bright and prosperous future.

Jai Hind !

Jai Bharat !